
For complete list see, Dr. Richard Smith Google Scholar  

S.R. Golinski, K Soriano, A.C. Briegel, M.C. Burke, T.W. Yu, T. Nakayama, R. Hu, R.S. Smith* (2024) “Gene therapy for targeting a prenatally enriched potassium channel associated with severe childhood epilepsy and premature death” bioRxiv 2024.10.24.620125; doi:10.1101/2024.10.24.620125 *Corresponding Author.

S. Barão, S.,… R.S. Smith, 8 authors, U. Müller. (2024)Conserved transcriptional regulation by BRN1 and BRN2 in neocortical progenitors drives mammalian neural specification and neocortical expansionNat Commun. PMCID: PMC11399407

V Suresh, B Bhattacharya, RY Tshuva, MD Gotthold, T Olender, M Bose, SJ Pradhan, BB Zeev, RS Smith, S Tole, S Galande, CC Harwell, JM Baizabal, O Reiner, (2024) PRDM16 co-operates with LHX2 to shape the human brain, Oxford Open Neuroscience, Vol 3, kvae001,


Akula SK, Chen AY, Neil JE, Smith. RS, 8 authors, C.A, Walsh. (2023) Exome Sequencing and the Identification of New Genes and Shared Mechanisms in Polymicrogyria. JAMA Neurol. 2023;80(9):980–988. doi:10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.2363


MA Hojlo, M Ghebrelul, CA Genetti, R Smith, S Rockowitz, E Deaso, ... (2023) Children with Early-Onset Psychosis Have Increased Burden of Rare GRIN2A Variants. Genes 14 (4), 779.


X Qian, EM DeGennaro, M Talukdar, SK Akula, A Lai, RS Smith, et al.. (2022) Loss of non-motor kinesin KIF26A causes congenital brain malformations via dysregulated neuronal migration and axonal growth as well as apoptosis”. Developmental Cell.


C Brownstein, E Douard, J Mollon, RS Smith, et al.. (2022) “Prevalence of Rate of Deleterious Copy Number Variants Similar in Early Onset Psychosis and Autism Spectrum Disorders: Implications for Clinical Practice”. Biological Psychiatry.

R.S. Smith*, M. Florio, S.K. Akula, J.E. Neil, Y. Wang, R.S. Hill, M. Goldman, N. Reed, L. Flores-Sarnet, A.J. Barkovich, J. Gonzalez-Heydrich, C.A. Brownstein, S.A. McCarroll, C.A. Walsh*. (2021) “Early role for a Na+/K+-ATPase (ATP1A3) in brain development”. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. *Corresponding Author.


M. Sudberg, H Pinson*, R.S. Smith*, K. Winden, P. Venugopal 1, D. Tai , J.F. Gusella, M.E. Talkowski, C.A. Walsh, M. Tegmark, M. Sahin, (2021) “RHOA inhibition rescues network hyperactivity of human iPSC-derived dopaminergic neurons with 16p11.2 deletion” Nat Commun 12, 2897 (2021).


C.A. Brownstein*, R.S. Smith*, L.H. Rodan, M.P. Gorman, M. Hojlo, E. Garvey5, J. Li, K. Cabral, J. Bowen, A. Rao, C.A. Genetti, D. Carroll, E. Deaso, P.B. Agrawal, A.H. Beggs, M. Zarrei, R.A. Gibbs, S.W. Scherer, D.C. Glahn, J. Gonzalez-Heydrich (2021) “RCL1 copy number variants are associated with a range of neuropsychiatric phenotypes”. Mol Psychiatry.  *Co-First Author


D.D. Shao, R. Straussberg, [and 31 others, including R.S. Smith], C.A. Walsh. (2021) “A recurrent, homozygous EMC10 frameshift variant is associated with a syndrome of developmental delay with variable seizures and dysmorphic features”. Genetics in Medicine


R.S. Smith*, C.A. Walsh (2020) “Ion Channel Functions in Early Brain Development”, Trends in Neuroscience, Volume 43, ISSUE 2, P103-114, doi:10.1016/j.tins.2019.12.004. *Corresponding Author



F.M. Krienen, M. Goldman, Q. Zhang, R.Rosario, M. Florio, R. Machold, A. Saunders, K. Levandowski, H. Zaniewski, B. Schuman, C. Wu, A. Lutservitz, C.D. Mullally, N. Reed, E. Bien, L. Bortolin, M.Fernandez-Otero, J. Lin, Alec Wysoker, J. Nemesh, D. Kulp, M. Burns, V.Tkachev, R.S. Smith, C.A. Walsh, J. Dimidschstein, B.Rudy, L. Kean, S. Berretta, G.Fishell, G. Feng, S.A. McCarroll “Innovations in Primate Interneuron Repertoire”. Nature. 586, 262–269 (2020).


M. E. Coulter, D. Musaev, E.M. DeGennaro,X. Zhang, K. Henke, K.N. James, R.S. Smith, R. Sean Hill, J.N. Partlow, M. Al-Saffar, A.S. Kamumbu, N. Hatem, A.J. Barkovich, J. Aziza, N. Chassaing, M.S. Zaki, T. S.L. Burglen, A. Rajab, L. Al-Gazali, G.H. Mochida, M.P. Harris, J.G. Gleeson, and C.A. Walsh (2020) “Regulation of human cerebral cortical development by EXOC7 and EXOC8, components of the exocyst complex, and roles in neural progenitor cell proliferation and survival”. Genet Med. 22, 1040–1050.


R.S. Smith, C. Kenny, V. Ganesh, A. Jang, R. Borges-Monroy, J.N. Partlow, R.S. Hill, T. Shin, A.Y. Chen, R. Doan, A. Anttonen, J. Ignatius, L. Medne, C.G. Bönnemann, J.L. Hecht, O. Salonen, A.J. Barkovich, A. Poduri, M. Wilke, M.C.Y. de Wit, G.M.S. Mancini, L. Sztriha, K. Im, D. Amrom, E. Andermann, R. Paetau, A.E. Lehesjoki, C.A. Walsh, and M.K. Lehtinen (2018) “Sodium channel SCN3A (NaV1.3) regulation of human cerebral cortical folding and oral motor development”. Neuron. 1–17. doi:10.1016/j.neuron.2018.07.052


M.B. Johnson, X. Sun, A. Kodani, R. Borges-Monroy, K.M. Girskis, S.C. Ryu, P.P. Wang, K. Patel, D.M. Gonzalez, Y.M. Woo, Z. Yan, B. Liang, R.S. Smith, M. Chatterjee, D. Coman, X. Papademetris, L.H. Staib, F. Hyder, J.B. Mandeville, P.E Grant, K. Im, H.Kwak, J.F. Engelhardt, C.A. Walsh & B.I. Bae (2018) “Aspm knockout ferret reveals an evolutionary mechanism governing cerebral cortical size” Nature. volume 556, pages 370–375 doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0035-0


Coulter, M.E., Dorobantu, C.M., Lodewijk, G.A., Delalande, F., Cianferani, S., Ganesh, V.S., R.S. Smith, Lim, E.T., Xu, C.S., Pang, S., Wong, E.T., Lidov, H.G.W., Calicchio, M.L., Yang, E., Gonzalez, D.M., Schlaeger, T.M., Mochida, G.H., Hess, H., Lee, W.-C.A., Lehtinen, M.K., Kirchhausen, T., Haussler, D., Jacobs, F.M.J., Gaudin, R., Walsh, C.A., 2018. The ESCRT-III Protein CHMP1A Mediates Secretion of Sonic Hedgehog on a Distinctive Subtype of Extracellular Vesicles. Cell Reports 24, 973–986.e8. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.100


R.S. Smith, R. Hu, W. Chan, A. Desouza, K. Krahe, R.C. Araneda, (2015) “Cholinergic Modulation in the Olfactory Bulb” J Neurosci. 2015 Jul 29;35(30):10773-85.


B Ramaswamy, S Kulkarni, P.V del Rio, R.S. Smith, CW Eberly, R.C Araneda, D Depireux, B Shapiro. (2015) “Movement of Magnetic Nanoparticles in Brain Tissue: Mechanism and Safety”. Nanomedicine. 2015 Jun 23. pii: S1549-9634(15)00132


C.R. Woodford, E.P. Frady, R.S. Smith, B Morey, G Canzi, R.C. Araneda, W.B. Kristan, Jr., C.P. Kubiak, E.W. Miller, and R.Y. Tsien. (2015) “Improved conductive molecules for optically sensing voltage in neurons” J. Am. Chem. Soc. DOI: 10.1021/ja510602z.


A. Nunez-Parra, R.K. Maurer, K. Krahe, R.S. Smith and R.C. Araneda (2013) “Disruption of Centrifugal inhibition onto Olfactory Bulb Granule Cells Impairs Olfactory Discrimination” Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 110:14777-82.

R.S. Smith, Z. Peterlin,,R. C. Araneda. (2013)Pharmacology of Mammalian Olfactory Receptors”. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1003:203-9.

N. Zimnik, T. Treadway, R.S Smith, R. C. Araneda, (2012)  “Alpha1A-Adrenergic Regulation of Inhibition in the Olfactory Bulb” Journal of Physiology. 591:1631-43.


R.S Smith, R. C. Araneda, (2010) “Cholinergic modulation of neuronal excitability in the accessory olfactory bulb” J. Neurophys. 104(6): 2963-74.


R.S Smith, C. Weitz, R. C. Araneda, (2009) “Excitatory actions of Noradrenaline and Metabotropic Glutamate Receptor activation of Granule cells of Accessory Olfactory Bulb” J. Neurophys. 102:1103-14